Bank of Montreal tests mobile account aggregation

Bank of Montreal tests mobile account aggregation

Bank of Montreal has begun a market trial of Veev and 724 Solutions' LiveClips solution for delivering account aggregation services via wireless devices.

LiveClips will enable Bank of Montreal to offer customers a single view of integrated financial information across multiple handheld devices by entering only one password. Rather than visiting different Web sites to access online bank accounts, consumers will be able to view summary information over any Veev-enabled device, including browser-enabled phones, and RIM Blackberry or Palm Computing devices.

"Veev now has the capability to consolidate all of a customer's financial accounts - from the various companies they deal with - into a single, secure, wireless point of access," says Mark Dickelman, vice-president, m-commerce and wireless, Bank of Montreal. "This extends Veev's reach to financial services companies around the world, including those companies who currently have Web- based offerings but no wireless capability."

The first-phase rollout will allow customers to view their banking and investment account balances and transaction summaries. The aggregation technology supplied by 724 Solutions to Bank of Montreal involves the ability to securely log-in the user, navigate Web-based financial accounts specified by the consumer, extract certain desired content (e.g. account balances, transaction details) and present it in a summary format.

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