SAS adds spice to BBH Salsa

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) has used technology from SAS to add analytic capabilities to Salsa, its online investment management tool for companies operating in the insurance market.

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SAS adds spice to BBH Salsa


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BBH used SAS' Enterprise Guide and SAS/IntrNet solutions to develop the analytics module for the Salsa (stochastic asset liability strategy analysis) service. Salsa uses traditional Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) to measure the impact of cash flow volatility on insurance investment strategies.

Carl Terzer, senior vice president of marketing at BBH, says: "DFA generates tons of data, and SAS provides the perfect tool to pull intelligence out of all this data...It allows us to analyse hundreds of scenarios, taking into account factors both inside and outside the company to give our clients a basis for making informed investment decisions."

"The time savings with SAS has been a great return on investment," adds Raghu Ramachandran, BBH's senior portfolio strategist. "We needed a product that could handle a huge amount of data, was scalable and programmable, and could deliver results over the Internet. We chose SAS, and now we can do more in-depth analysis faster and cheaper than ever before."

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