IntesaBci licenses Novadigm's Radia  for IT asset management

IntesaBci licenses Novadigm's Radia for IT asset management

Italy's largest bank holding company, IntesaBci, has licensed Novadigm's Radia products to manage IT asset inventory and software for Microsoft Windows at 50,000 desktops enterprise-wide.

The agreement is an extension of an earlier contract with Banca Commerciale Italiana (BCI), which merged on 1 May, 2001 with Banca Intesa, to form IntesaBci.

Vincenzo Campanini, systems operations & network manager for IntesaBci, says the decisions to extend the Radia license followed from its successful implementation at BCI. "Banca Commerciale Italiana had achieved impressive results from Novadigm's automated software management solutions, managing all branches which sometimes have low bandwidth characteristics," he says.

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