Tallinn Stock Exchange delays launch of HEX trading

Tallinn Stock Exchange delays launch of HEX trading

Tallinn Stock Exchange (TSE) is postponing implementation of the Helsinki exchange HEX trading system by a month until 25 February, 2002, in response to member calls for more time for technical testing.

The target date to start trading TSE listed securities in the Finnish system was previously set for 28 January, 2002.

The new launch date has been set to give member firms additional time to enhance and test their technical readiness for the implementation of the new system, says the Exchange.

Gert Tiivas, TSE CEO, states: "Implementation of the new system together with introducing euro as the trading currency is a complex project, requiring more preparation than was earlier estimated. We want to be convinced that the launch will be smooth and surprise-free for everyone and investors can rely on high-quality service by their brokers from day one."

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