UBS introduces Virtual Worker Framework

UBS introduces Virtual Worker Framework

UBS has launched a 'Virtual Worker Framework', that will provide US employees in eligible roles with the opportunity to work 100% remotely.

An extension to the bank's current hybrid working model, the Framework will begin a phased implementation over the coming months to select current and prospective employees across the country.

In a global survey, 86 percent of UBS employees stated that they value greater flexibility, including the ability to maintain a remote or hybrid work arrangement.

“Hybrid working has positively reshaped the future of our workplace,” says Tom Naratil, president of UBS Americas. “We’re reimagining the way we work and believe this framework will provide an enhanced work-life balance for some of our employees, appeal to a more diverse pool of applicants and increase employee retention. We recognize the world has changed and we continue to adapt so that we can deliver the best for our clients and our people."

Employees who qualify will be given full access to the firm’s technology platform and applications, and periodic in-person events to help them build inter-personal relationships with their teams and clients.

Participants will have the opportunity to modify their remote work arrangements in the event they would like to return to the office or work in a hybrid arrangement.

Marc Montanaro, head of human resources, UBS Americass, states: “Our employees have different needs and demands on their time based on their location, family and personal life, career stage and other factors - some of which change over time. This framework will allow employees to more seamlessly balance their responsibilities at UBS with other parts of their life."

The framework will be introduced in phases, beginning with eligible global wealth management roles in the US.

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