Oratio Project tackles UK homelessness with NFC card programme

Fintech investment company Pell Capital has launched a project that will offer homeless people in the UK access to contactless cards to raise donations and spend vouchers at accredited vendors.

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Oratio Project tackles UK homelessness with NFC card programme


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With more than 11,000 people sleeping on the streets of London every year, the Oratio Project is committing to handing out 10,000 cards, beginning with a pilot launching in the second quarter.

The cards can be used to raise donations and also to spend vouchers at accredited Oratio vendors.

In addition, people will be offered digital PO box temporary addresses in shelters to help them apply for ID, bank accounts and, potentially, jobs.

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Comments: (1)

David Abbott Senior Sales Manager, Cards - Europe at FIS

This sounds like a great initiative for financial inclusion - not just for the charity aspect - but more about the Hand-Up! It will be interesting to understand the underlying technology - hopefully low cost and easy to access

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