Girobank launches Web-based charity donations

Girobank launches Web-based charity donations

Alliance & Leicester's commercial banking arm Girobank has launched a new CharityPay Web site enabling consumers to donate to charity over the Internet without the need of an online bank account.

The site uses the same secure, 128-bit encryption technology as Girobank's existing online payment service, BillPay. Visitors can enter their credit or debit card details for the amount they wish to donate 24 hours a day.

The bank has also added a link from its BillPay site, for those users already familiar with the service.

Charity groups can receive donations by simply hooking up to the service, without setting up their own costly online payment systems.

The first charity to accept funds in this way is Child of Achievement Awards. It provides grants and donations to help children make more of their lives, as well as organising annual awards recognising their efforts in helping others or overcoming illness and disability.

Mary Hanrick, Senior Marketing Manager at Girobank, says: "A number of other charities have shown an interest in our new service. We are hoping CharityPay will become an important new channel for good causes wishing to attract extra funds."

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