Covid-19 has profoundly shifted how financial services workers want to do their jobs in the future, with one in two wanting to continue to work from home for at least part of the week once the pandemic passes, according to a new report by KPMG and the Financial Services Skills Commission.
More than three quarters of 632 UK-based financial services sector workers surveyed for the report say they've been able to work effectively work from home during the pandemic. For a quarter, these new ways of working have been so positive that they are keen to work from home full time. Some are considering even more significant changes, with one in ten looking for a change of location, be that home or office, after the pandemic.
Workers aged 31-45 are the most driven to work more flexibly (53%), while workers under 30 are the keenest to work from home permanently (28%).
While the majority have been able to work remotely successfully, many finance workers believe that their pre-Covid skills are not fully sufficient to perform effectively in the ‘new reality’.
One in three say they need more digital expertise, while only a quarter have been offered digital training by their employers. Furthermore, 21% said they are relying on different management and leadership skills whilst working remotely.
Claire Tunley, CEO, Financial Services Skills Commission, says: "The last few months has brought the skills challenges facing the UK financial services sector into greater focus. As we have experienced a huge leap forwards in digitisation and remote working, the need to upskill our employees in digital and technological expertise is more important than ever."