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Mastercard to issue 'True Name' cards for transgender community

Mastercard is to roll out cards in Europe that enable users to display an alternative to their given name.


Mastercard to issue 'True Name' cards for transgender community


This content has been selected, created and edited by the Finextra editorial team based upon its relevance and interest to our community.

First released in the US in 2019, the 'True Name' cards are designed for people - particularly those from LGBTQ+ community - to reflect their preferred identity on their payment cards.

Mark Barnett, president, Europe, Mastercard comments “Our names define us, and for millions in the LGBTQ+ community their payment card doesn’t currently enable people to be their true selves. We urge our partners to join us in making the True Name card possible in countries across Europe so that we can help ease the journey for the transgender and non-binary community to using their true identity.”

Clémence Zamora-Cruz, spokesperson for Inter-LGBT, says the initiative reflects the request of trans persons for the recognition of their gender and name by a simple declaration, based only on self-determination.

"Mastercard’s position is in line with the Defenseur des Droits [a concept in France] recommendation who has been requesting since 2016 that banks should adapt and take into consideration first names," states Zamora-Cruz. "It recommends that the institutions respect the identity of trans persons by agreeing to modify their first name, gender and gender marker and by broadening the list of identifications required for contract subscription."

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Comments: (2)

A Finextra member 

Can anybody claim to be part of the group and select a preferred name on the card or is there to be a group membership certification? What about aml checks that normally contain name control? How will PSP:s conduct KYC on a new customer using a name different from the official name? What meaning does the name on the front of the card have since in Europe all paymnets at POS are made with PIN where the cardholder manages the card and an increasing number of payments at POS are tap-and-go.  No POS payment should be signature verified anymore in Europe as a consequence of PSD2. In e-comm would one key in the official name or the self-selected one? 

A Finextra member 

Will the legal name rermain at the Account level? Specifically, will statements be addressed to the legal name or the preferred name? Statements may be used as part of identity checking practices to confirm legal name.

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