Fintech jobs market show healthy upward trend

Despite a year of political turbulence, 2019 saw a continued growth in demand for IT professionals in the UK fintech sector – with a 5.9% yearly rise in vacancies.

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Fintech jobs market show healthy upward trend


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The data, provided by business intelligence specialist Vacancysoft for the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo), places London as far and away the leading UK region, accounting for 69.2% of all jobs - with year on year activity up 19%.

Outside of London, there is a different picture, with the hiring activity falling 15% - part of a wider trend where IT jobs away from the capital has gone from making up 44.5% of roles to just 30.7% in 2019.

In terms of businesses, HSBC remains the biggest hirer for fintech professionals, where since 2018 the number of vacancies has surged 57.2%. Lloyds has seen the most significant increase - with demand up 300% year on year as the bank prepares to move 500,000 customer accounts from its legacy IT onto a cloud-based core banking platform.

Ann Swain, CEO of APSCo comments: “As a sector that is growing in relevance, it’s really encouraging to see demand for jobs in fintech continue to rise. This is in spite of a number of factors last year that could have damaged vacancy growth. With the uncertainty around Brexit and IR35 - and companies like HSBC imposing blanket bans on contractors - the fact that demand has still risen shows just how healthy the sector is.”

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