Wachovia, Thomas Weisel and Putname Lovell choose Grand Central Web network

Wachovia, Thomas Weisel and Putname Lovell choose Grand Central Web network

Wachovia Corporation, Thomas Weisel Partners and Putnam Lovell Securities have chosen to use Grand Central's Web services network to securely integrate their systems infrastrucutres with those of their partners and clients.

The Grand Central Network, a service built on top of the Internet, enables applications to interact between firewalls with the security, control and visibility required for enterprise-class integration, says the company.

At Wachovia, the Grand Central Network has been implemented to facilitate the exchange of key research data with its partners. It provides a messaging and management layer on top of the Internet for the bank to share data with its partners via secure Web applications.

"The Grand Central Network provides security, control and visibility capabilities that meet our stringent requirements for exchanging highly sensitive data with important partners such as Thompson Financial," says Tony D'Agostino, chief operating officer of Wachovia Corporation.

Research-driven merchant bank, Thomas Weisel Partners, is similarly using the network to become more closely integrated with customers. Because the network requires no software to be installed, no holes to be opened up in firewalls and no set-up charges, the firm can add new clients to its network in a matter of days, says Robert Hahn, chief information officer at the bank.

Putnam Lovell Securities has selected the Grand Central Network to help orchestrate automated activities between systems hosted by its partners.

In addition, the vendor has also signed partnership agreements with Web services companies BlueMatrix, salesforce.com, Acetta, Opscentric, Persistent Web and Primordial in order to address application integration issues.

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