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Scotiabank to train execs on AI ethics

Scotiabank to train execs on AI ethics

Canada's Scotiabank is introducing a programme to give senior employees a grasp of the ethical principles involved in using AI.

The bank has teamed up with the Smith School of Business at Queen's University, and the IEEE to develop a two-day certification programme for senior executives and business leaders.

The programme will cover the principles of AI and ethics in design; decision making with analytics; the dynamics of enterprise data and AI management; Canadian information and privacy regulations; and the latest research and technology developments in AI.

"At Scotiabank, our investment in AI goes beyond the smart implementation of new tools and technologies, with a commitment to being leaders in the development of principles, guidelines and training for the ethical application of this powerful technology," says Daniel Moore, chief risk officer, Scotiabank.

The ethics of how financial services firms use data has been in the news recently thanks to claims that the Apple Card, issued by Goldman Sachs, is biased against female applicants when it comes to assessing credit worthiness.

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