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Vista looks to sell stake in Finastra - Bloomberg

Vista looks to sell stake in Finastra - Bloomberg

Vista Equity Partners could offload a 50% stake in $10 billion financial technology outfit Finastra, according to Bloomberg.

Finastra was created in 2017 when Vista bought Canadian firm D+H and merged it with another fintech firm in its portfolio, London-based Misys.

The merger created a behemoth with annual revenues of $1.9 billion, 10,000 employees and over 9000 customers across 130 countries, including 48 of the top 50 banks globally.

But, two years on Vista has called in Goldman Sachs to help it find a buyer for a stake in the business, says Bloomberg, citing sources.

The private equity firm is looking to sell as much as 50% of Finastra in a deal that could value the fintech at $10 billion, including debt.

Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 07 October, 2019, 15:12Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

When Vista acquired Misys it proudly stated that it had never sold any company in it's portfolio in the 14 years since it had been founded. Since then, it has twice tried to sell Misys and failed. It then merged it with D+H and is now trying for a third time to unload it's investment. Third time lucky?
