The Finextra team are limbering up to meet our readers and members attending Sibos 2019 in London. We've got a full suite of rolling news, special reports, roundtable discussions and live video broadcasts primed for the biggest financial technology event in the calendar.
Sibos veterans know getting value from the event is all about being organized in advance. So, what’s organized?
Finextra TV at Sibos
Finextra TV will be reporting from the Finextra TV studio in the main exhibition hall (find us at R120/R124). We have scheduled a week of 1-2-1 interviews with the most important, interesting and downright provocative thinkers in the industry. Watch for the TV updates on the site.
Out of the TV studio, a roving Finextra film crew will capture voxpops from delegates and speakers, as we explore your reactions to the main topics and themes discussed. If they line you up, gather your thoughts and tell us what you think. We want your views.
Finextra VIP Roundtables
Finextra community members are also joining a series of VIP roundtables, aimed exclusively at senior bank executives and diving into the topics of the week. If they look of interest, its not too late to express an interest, email
Monday: Preparing for the compliance challenge of real-time cross-border payments.
Tuesday: Instant payments and open banking - collision course or explosive opportunity?
Tuesday: Seizing the Information Advantage - driving opportunities and mitigating risk in a hyper connected world.
Wednesday: Open Banking and the long overdue benefits to the corporate marketplace - redefining collaboration and partnerships.
Breaking news
Our news team will be in the key sessions to get the story from speakers and delegates. Outside we’ll be hoovering up the news. If you find a story point us at it, email
Make your views heard
Most importantly, whether you are, or aren’t, at Sibos, make your views known. Become a member of the industry's largest financial technology community and join the conversation. The Finextra Community comprises some 30,000 members, who Comment, Post or Share views and opinions each month with our 400,000-strong financial technology readership.