Psion targets mobile banks with Opera release

Psion targets mobile banks with Opera release

In a determined bid for the mobile banking market, Psion is to include the full version of Opera 3.62 for EPOC on its Revo Plus, netBook and Series 7 range of mobile Internet access devices.

The Opera browser features 128-bit SSL 2 and 3 encryption and TLS 1.0 secure transaction, making it possible for users to conduct secure online ordering of goods and services and online banking without any additional security proxy software or modules.

Installation takes less than 30 seconds and requires 2MB of hard disk space.

Claes Bergstedt, commercial director at Psion Enterprise Computing says: "We anticipate that this will lead to a significant increase in corporate sales for Psion devices, especially to banks and other organisations for whom secure Internet transactions are critical."

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