CULedger brings DLT security to voice banking

CULedger brings DLT security to voice banking

Credit union-owned blockchain outfit CULedger has teamed up with Best Innovation Group (BIG) and ConnectFSS to bring distributed ledger technology security to voice banking.

The partnership sees BIG's Five voice banking platform get an authentication security boost through CULedger's MyCUID DLT-based self-sovereign identity platform.

ConnectFSS, which implements BIG's technology for FS firms, will now offer clients the chance to let their members create, store and manage their identity information in MyCUID.

This can then be referenced by any service at the credit union that needs to authenticate them. All access to that data is completely controlled by the member themselves.

Connect FSS president Grant Parry, says: "This collaboration brings credit unions a better way to identify their members - and the voice channel is a great place to start."

It has been a busy week for CULedger: the firm has also struck partnership deals with IBM and Sherpa Technologies.

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