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Innovate Finance launches Fintech for Schools initiative

Innovate Finance launches Fintech for Schools initiative

UK fintech industry body Innovate Finance has launched a schools initiative as it seeks to inspire the country's next generation of financial technology leaders.

The Fintech for Schools campaign is designed to encourage young people to understand the increasing importance of digital skills in the workplace, with an emphasis on ensuring the sector is appealing to girls.

Innovate Finance says that inspiring young girls from an early age, by providing them with a wide variety of role models from diverse backgrounds and skill sets, is a vital first step in creating a new model to deliver real change in terms of diversity.

The initiative is being kicked off with a school event, that will see Innovate Finance CEO Charlotte Crosswell and Oval Money co-founder Benedetta Arese Lucini among the speakers looking to introduce kids to fintech.

Says Crosswell: "Fintech is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries and one where we hold a strong competitive advantage. Success is however heavily dependent on talent, which is in short supply both domestically and globally.

"It is vital that we ensure we are inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators, and equipping them with the skills they will need to succeed."

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