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Nomura takes stake in robotic trading venture

Nomura takes stake in robotic trading venture

Nomura is investing in an AI-led high frequency trading venture set up by hedge fund manager Brevan Howard.

The venture, dubbed AIM2, was launched in 2015 to use a combination of data science and machine learning to develop a range of alpha investment strategies.

Nomura first began collaborating with AIM2 in 2018 on the development of new robotic trading tools for pricing trades and making markets in wholesale capital markets.

The new tool uses AI and data science to analyse large sets of high-frequency historical and real-time data, including client flows and market data, to provide quotes and recommendations.

Steve Ashley, global head of Wholesale at Nomura, says: “The AIM2 team has a strong combination of data scientists and capital market experts, and has built an industry leading AI engine that we will use across all asset classes to enhance the client experience and increase market share in flow products. This solution will also form part of our plans to accelerate Nomura’s wholesale digital transformation.”

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