Stripe embroiled in Trump inauguration investigation

Stripe embroiled in Trump inauguration investigation

US federal prosecutors investigating donations to Donald Trump's inauguration committee are taking a special interest in payments processed through Stripe, which may have provided the technology used for credit card donations related to the campaign.

Stripe is named in a subpoenae issued by the New York attorney's office in an ongoing investigation into Trump's political fund-raising both before and after the 2016 election.

Prosecutors are seeking documents related to the committee's donors to the massive inauguration fund, along with records of communications and payments processed through Stripe.

Interest in the firm has been piqued by a six degrees of separation connection to Trump's inner circle through Joshua Kushner, the brother of Jared, Trump's son-in-law and political adviser. Josh Kushner is a major investor in Stripe through Thrive Capital, a venture capital firm he founded and still oversees.

Stripe has sought to downplay the significance of being asked to assist authorities, in a statement sent to The Irish Times.

“Advanced tooling gives us end-to-end visibility into transaction flows, and helps us spot financial crimes from money laundering to terrorist financing and corruption,” a Stripe spokesman said. “We receive hundreds of subpoenas and other law enforcement requests in the normal course of business, as do other infrastructure companies of our scale.”

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