SocGen sets up fintech incubator for wholesale banking unit

SocGen sets up fintech incubator for wholesale banking unit

Societe Generale is scouting for fintech startups to join a new incubator being hatched by its corporate and investment banking unit.

The French bank says the Global Market Incubator will be looking to co-build new tech services for application at the bank and its corporate clients.

Firms selected for the programme will enjoy access to SG CIB’s global markets’ expertise through close collaboration with its sales team, financial engineers and departmental heads, and will also have direct access to continental Europe’s largest trading floor. Their base will be at Paris&Co’s offices in conjunction with Le Swave, the incubator solely dedicated to fintech firms of which Societe Generale is one of the founding partners.

Antoine Connault has been appointed as head of the programme, reporting to Albert Loo, deputy head of sales for Global Markets.

“Offering cutting-edge and innovative solutions to address our client needs is in Societe Generale’s DNA," says Loo. "With this dedicated incubator, we wish to enable fintechs specialised in financial markets to turn their ideas into innovative services."

Candidates can apply until 16 November on

The selection process will take place during December 2018, and the six-month incubation period will begin in January 2019.

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