Average fintech CEO compensation hits $850k a year

Fintech is proving a lucrative sector for top level executives, with the average CEO pulling in total compensation of more than $850,000, according to a survey from Morlands Human Capital.

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Average fintech CEO compensation hits $850k a year


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Moorlands quizzed 503 execs from 500 fintech firms with revenues of between $5 million and $5.3 billion in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.

Among the 137 CEOs surveyed, the average base salary is $353,000, rising to $857,000 when things such as cash bonuses and retirement provisions are added in.

Unsurprisingly for a tech-dominated industry, CTOs are also well remunerated, with an average base salary of $215,000 and average total compensation of $521,000.

CFOs are less well off, making an average base salary of $158,000, considerably less than the $235,000 average for sales and marketing directors. HR directors make an average base of $152,000.

Paul Battye, owner of Moorlands Human Capital, says: "We can see that customer acquisition is valued highly by fintech’s given the level of compensation paid to sales and marketing directors.

"It will be fascinating as the years go by to see if this phenomenon continues or if we see a harmonisation of compensation across the C-suite. In future years, we aim to be able to highlight the major trends in fintech c-lever salaries."

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