Metro Bank opens developer portal

Metro Bank opens developer portal

Branch-based Metro bank is upping its digital game with the launch of a developer portal for third party firms to build services on top of its APIs.

Built in collaboration with Google’s Apigee team using Apigee’s Edge API management platform, the self-service portal allows access to the bank’s PSD2 API documentation, sample customer data and sandbox.

Craig Donaldson, CEO at Metro Bank says: “PSD2 has the power to shake up UK banking and inject more competition and choice into the market. By working with market-leading Apigee API management, our developer portal will provide third parties with the building blocks they need to develop even more products and services to help make customers’ lives easier.”

The UK bank has launched its Account Information Service (AIS) and plans to unveil further APIs, says Donaldson, including a Payment Initiation Service (PIS), in the near future.

The latest development comes ahead of the forthcoming launch of an AI-powered money management service, Insights, developed with Personetics, and the introduction earlier this year of an online instant account opening service, as the bank begins to complement its branch-based ethos with a slew of new app-based services.

Metro Bank began life in 2010 as the first high street bank to open in the UK in 150 years. An unashamed advocate of the old-fashioned values of high touch banking, Metro's customer-friendly store numbers are expected to reach 110 by 2020.

Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 13 July, 2018, 09:57Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I'm not sure this is news - all EU banks (unless they opt for screen scraping plus) will have to launch a dev portal by March 2019...
