Financial technology company Random Walk has confirmed the deaths of two of its employees during the terrorist attacks on New York. Both were attending a Risk Waters conference on the 106th floor of WTC#1 when a hijacked passegner jet was flown into the building.
Random Walk named Eric Lehrfeld, director of business development, as one of its missing employees. A co-worker who was attending the conference with Lehrfeld was also lost when the twin towers collapsed. Random Walk is not releasing the name of the second person at the family's request.
The company has established a charitable fund to pay college expenses for the young children of the two people lost in the attack. To make a donation in memory of the victims, please contact Heidi Miller at +1 212 480-5820 extension 388.
Risk Waters Group has confirmed that 70 delegates and 16 of its employees were almost certainly in attendance or in the complex on their way to the conference at the time of the attacks. All are unaccounted for. The company is still unable to ascertain the presence of a further seven potential delegates, who may or may not have been at the conference.
In a statement, the company says it will not release the names of those present in deference to the wishes of relatives. "However, at a later stage, we hope to release the names of companies which we believe had delegates at the conference."