"Alexa, ask my bank, what is my balance?"

NCR is working with Maine-based Town & Country Federal Credit Union to train Amazon's voice commerce assistant Alexa to respond to spoken requests for bank account information.

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"Alexa, ask my bank, what is my balance?"


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With Amazon, Google and Apple pouring millions of dollars into the development of new voice controlled devices for the home, NCR is positioning to be at the forefront of a trend that is set to reshape the future of retailing.

Town & Country is the first credit union to partner with NCR in developing a new Alexa skill, enabling members to access their account information with simple voice commands, such as “Alexa, ask Town and Country, what is my balance?”.

The pilot is open to NCR Digital Insight solutions customers in the United States, with the vendor calling on its banking partners to join in and help fine-tune the programme using feedback from end-users.

David Libby, Town & Country president & CEO, says: “We are excited to be the first credit union and among the first banks in the country to introduce a skill for Alexa with bank account linking, and to help lead the way for others in the financial services industry to explore this new technology.”

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Comments: (1)

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Erm - what ever happened to the idea of having 2FA? Am I going to be telling Alex my User ID & Password for my Bank Account? Even if I don't have 2FA, so bypassing need for Card Reader, which of my 4 (Personal & Business) Bank Accounts with my Primary Bank will Alexa be reading back to me?

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