Leumi Card turns to behavioural biometrics for app user authentication

Leumi Card turns to behavioural biometrics for app user authentication

The credit card unit of Israel's Bank Leumi is ditching passwords in its mobile app in favour of behavioural biometrics from local startup SecuredTouch.

SecuredTouch's technology lets the bank identify users based on their unique personal profiles within their mobile devices, checking attributes such as finger size, touch pressure and touch surface.

By verifying the profile, Leumi Card will be able to identify, in real time, whether the card owner is the one operating the app, without the need to compromise privacy by holding identifying details such as fingerprints, says the vendor.

Having piloted the technology, Leumi Card will make it available to customers over the next few months.

Ohad Maimon, EVP, business development and strategy, Leumi Card, says: "This is an international breakthrough that enhances user experience while solving the known problem of poor conversion in financial apps, due to the need for complex passwords."

Last week another Israeli behavioural biometrics outfit, BioCatch, revealed that UK bank NatWest is trialing its tech for website visitors.

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