Vietnam's Tien Phong Bank has confirmed that it thwarted an attempt by cyber criminals to transmit EUR1 million using bogus Swift messages in the third quarter of last year.
TPBank's confirmation of the attempted cyber heist comes just days after bank-owned messaging network Swift warned members that a second bank had been targeted by the same kind of malware-based attack that led to an $81 million loss at the Bangladesh Central Bank.
In a statement to Reuters, the Vietnamese bank said the transfers were made using a third party supplied messaging interface to the Swift network. The bank has not disclosed the identity of the vendor, but says that it has switched to using a new system that offers a higher level of security.
Cybersecurity firm BAE Systems said last week that malware similar to that used by hackers in Bangladesh had been implicated in attempted theft at a Vietnamese bank.
In the immediate aftermath of the Bangldesh boost, interbank co-operative Swift confirmed that it had experienced a number of recent instances of hackers compromising network interface devices at client banks.