EBAday 2016: Setting a vision for the future of the European payments industry

EBAday 2016: Setting a vision for the future of the European payments industry

An impressive list of up to 80 board directors, chief financial officers and payments and technology heads from Europe's leading banks have confirmed their participation in the conference programme for the eleventh annual EBAday, taking place this year at MiCo - Milano Congressi from 7 to 8 June 2016.

Up to 900 senior representatives from leading banks and payments bodies are expected to attend the two-day event, which will set out a vision for the future of the European payments industry as new technologies and trends reshape the business.

Reflecting this, the EBAday2016 conference programme is split into two streams, one of which will address methods to enhance existing payment models, while the other will explore alternative payments and technology trends.

The former will navigate the global move to real-time payments, the future of correspondent banking, and management of intra-day liquidity management in instant payments, among other issues. The latter will take a deep dive into blockchain technology, mobile payments and fintech threats, PSD2 and the move to open APIs.

Reflecting the global nature of the changes sweeping across the industry, EBAday 2016 will also feature contributions from payments experts across the globe, including the Federal Reserve Board, Canadian Payments Association, The Clearing House and Wells Fargo.

The top-level seminar programme at EBAday is complemented by a bustling exhibition floor, showcasing the complete spectrum of payment processing services from leading banks, ACHs, technology vendors and consultancies. This year's show will also feature the debut of the Fintech Pavillion, where top startups from across Europe will be able to network with and demonstrate their products to payment heads from across the European banking industry.

The full agenda is now online, and registration for EBAday 2016 is open.

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