Rapper Azealia Banks threatens hex on Jack Dorsey over Square Cash promotion

Rapper Azealia Banks threatens hex on Jack Dorsey over Square Cash promotion

Jack Dorsey has upset rapper and part-time witch Azealia Banks, who has threatened a hex on the Twitter founder, claiming he has reneged on a deal to promote her mixtape in exchange for her pimping of his Square Cash app.

Last March Banks, who has over half a million Twitter followers, tweeted enthusiastically to the world about person-to-person payments service Square Cash.

But on Wednesday it emerged that the musician may not have been promoting Square Cash purely out of love. Rather, it was a quid pro quo, with Dorsey supposed to tweet about her mixtape to his millions of followers.

Apparently, the billionaire failed to keep up his side of the bargain.

In retaliation, Banks then threatened to put a hex on him. Claiming that Dorsey had sent her strands of his hair for her to make an amulet to protect him from death threats, she declared she would use the locks for more sinister purposes.

Dorsey has not publicly replied to the hex threat, and Banks has since moved on in her never-ending Twitter beef show to taunting Kanye West and the Kardashians.

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