A Santander customer made to wait more than two weeks for a replacement debit card has expressed his displeasure by cross-stitching his own replica and sending it to the bank.
On Monday Keith Clark took to Facebook to complain to Santander that, 19 days after he first requested it, he was still waiting for a replacement for his cloned debit card.
Wrote Clark: "With the seven-day-switch, it's actually quicker for me to entirely uproot and change banks and get a new card from them, than it is to wait eight-to-ten days with you. How does that make sense? Ridiculous."
Yesterday he returned to Facebook to reveal that he had found a novel way to illustrate his frustration, cross-stitching a debit card and posting it to Santander, using the recorded delivery tool to see when it arrived.
"Anything less than twenty days, and I would like you to justify to me how, in 2015, you cannot get me a debit card when I need one. I'm a customer of ten years, living within minutes of half a dozen branches, working within fifteen minutes of your head office in London, and I have plenty of free time to wait around for couriers or delivery guys."
The stunt has gone viral, picking up hundreds of likes on Facebook and Instagram. One commentator revealed that she had waited 10 weeks for a replacement card and another four for her PIN.
Meanwhile, a Santander staffer on Facebook wrote: "Keith, we would like to try and assist, we may not be able to expedite things but we can try to make sure the latest card issued is received. If you would like us to do this then please email. Dave."