Zopa hands out 'money trees' to commuters

P2P loan outfit Zopa has brightened the morning commute for travellers arriving at London Victoria Station by setting up a market stall to hand out free 'money trees' to bemused passers-by.

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Zopa hands out 'money trees' to commuters


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The company recruited an East End market trader to take his stall to the station forecourt and hand out potted plants complete with £10 notes and Zopa.com vouchers worth £10, redeemable when lenders make their first investment through the platform.

Giles Andrews, CEO and Co-founder of Zopa says: "With the money trees we wanted to put a smile on the faces of busy commuters. It is not every day you encounter someone wanting to give you money on your way to work. The money tree campaign is all about encouraging Brits to plant a seed with Zopa and watch their money grow."

Last month the company announced it has loaned more than $1billion since its launch in 2005. The platform currently has more than 63,000 borrowers in the UK and claims the lowest default rate of any UK bank or peer-to-peer lender.

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