Banco Sabadell trials Carta mobile wallet with Host Card Emulation

Banco Sabadell trials Carta mobile wallet with Host Card Emulation

Banco Sabadell is running pilot trials of a mobile wallet using Host card Emulation (HCE) technology from Carta Worldwide.

Combining mobile device software with secure cloud processing, HCE eliminates the need to deliver and manage NFC credentials on the handset.

Launched last month, Carta's HCE suite provides full lifecycle support for cardholder credentials and transactions across devices with Android OS KitKat 4.4. It also supports NFC-based High Value Transactions (HVT) with mobile PIN.

Banco Sabadell has been working with MasterCard over the past year running small-scale trials of HCE as a bank-controlled mechanism for rapid onboarding of customer cards.

Of the Carta configuration, Albert Figueras, director of credit cards and consumer finance at Banco Sabadell, says: "The most notable feature of this pilot is how easy it is for users to add their credit cards to their phone without having to manipulate any physical secure element or rely on 3rd party service providers."

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