Associated Newspapers enlists MMN for Mail shopping app

Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers is tapping technology from Mobile Money Network (MMN) to enable readers to make purchases from the tabloid's shopping supplements through their smartphones.

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Associated Newspapers enlists MMN for Mail shopping app


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Readers who spot products in the glossy supplements featured in the paper, its Sunday sister and on its Web site will be able to go to an iOS or Android 'Mail Shop Instant Mobile Checkout App' based on MMN's Simply Tap technology.

Once in the app, customers enter the unique product code found in the paper to find and buy it. QR code and image recognition functionality will follow in the near future.

MMN - a JV between Monitise and retailer Best Buy Europe - says the deal will allow Associated Newspapers to develop additional revenue streams, drive direct response to advertising and gain in-depth insight about its audience.

According to recent Forrester estimates, mobile commerce revenues across Europe will rise from EUR1.7 billion in 2011 to EUR19.2 billion in 2017 and the UK is set to lead the way, with a predicted EUR6.1 billion in 2017.

Kevin Beatty, CEO, A&N Media, says: "As publishers, we constantly scrutinise the evolving media landscape and the way our customers interact with our content. What is clear from the success of various mobile initiatives we have rolled out over the last few years is that our customers are active smartphone users and increasingly consume our content through the mobile device."

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Comments: (1)

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

If, as the CEO of A&N Media says, "...our customers ... increasingly consume our content through the mobile device", why can't a simple tap on the product image on the smartphone screen trigger the purchase? Why should the user enter the product code?

QR code, image recognition or the need to enter the product code on the smartphone screen are required ONLY if customers view the shopping supplement in print form but use a mobile device to initiate the purchase - not when they consume the content and initiate the purchase on a mobile device. In other words, these forms of Augmented Reality technologies are required only for omnichannel transactions and not for monochannel ones.

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