TS-Associates buys Correlix

TS-Associates has acquired the assets of latency management service provider Correlix. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

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TS-Associates buys Correlix


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Correlix - which was owned by a group of private equity firms - counts Nyse Euronext and Bats among the customers of its RaceTeam service for monitoring, measuring and reporting order and market data flows in real-time.

TS-Associates says that the Correlix product will be added to its Precision Instrumentation brand, alongside TipOff and Application tap.

TipOff customers will benefit from Correlix's InfiniBand monitoring capability, a wider range of protocol decoders, and a proven managed service delivery capability, says the vendor.

The deal also gives TS-Associates a data centre and more office space in Wall Street as well as an Israeli development centre.

Henry Young, CEO, TS-Associates, says: "Following this acquisition we have all the technology assets required to offer a truly compelling range of Precision Instrumentation capabilities to the market. Correlix developed a competent mature and powerful product."

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