Police in Pennsylvania are on the hunt for two men thought to have made off with bags full of cash that fell out of the back of a bank courier van onto a busy road.
According to ABC News, the back door of a Fidelity Courier Services van flew open on Wednesday, shedding several bags of cash containing "well into the six figure".
At least one bag burst open on the road, prompting drivers to pull over and chase scattered notes. Police only recovered around $400 dollars and estimate that passers-by made off with $1500.
However, several witnesses told police that two white males in their 20s or 30s ignored the loose cash and took intact bags containing at least $100,000 instead. If they return the money promptly, those involved could be entitled to a reward but if not charges may be laid.
Lt James Englert, Upper St. Clair Police Department, told ABCNews.com: "This is not a finders keepers by any stretch of the imagination. This money is the property of the banks. We're allowing people an ample window of time to come forward and do the right thing."
Cash Spills onto Highway, Cops Seek Two Men Seen Hugging Bags - ABC News