JPMorgan fires woman for blogging in her spare time

A former JPMorgan Chase business analyst is suing the bank after claiming she was sacked for blogging in her spare time.

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JPMorgan fires woman for blogging in her spare time


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Business analyst Marilyn Tagocon has filed a Manhattan Supreme Court suit challenging the bank's action.

Her personal blog - written under a pseudonym - was used to promote her part-time passion for writing historical fiction.

When a co-worker told her that her activities might infringe the bank's personal code of conduct, Tagocon approached human resources who informed her that she would have to can the blog if she wanted to retain her day job.

When Tagocon refused to oblige she was sacked by the bank, who claimed that she was in breach of rules prohibiting employees from posting 'online personal speeches'.

The case is similar to that of Solomon Lederer, a Morgan Stanley software developer who tried to set up an offline social network on his commute to work but was fired in October last year after his enterprise was picked up on and reported by the Wall Street Journal.

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Comments: (1)

A Finextra member 

Looks like the thin end of a growing Corporate Censorship wedge.  It is already the case that the vast majority of employees are forced (or choose) to tow the company line internally and report only on the positives, which is the main reason why issues don't get picked up until it's too late (As I have said on previous occasions: You can't push shit uphill!).  It seems to me that the same is now becoming increasingly true externally.

It seems that we are moving to a time when the only safe employee is a silent employee - speak out and be sacked; stay silent and stay employed!  "You belong to us!"

And experience tells me that it ain't just happening in the US.

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