Join the big conversation with Finextra@Sibos

Finextra is ushering in a new era of dialogue and debate at Sibos 2010 in Amsterdam with the launch of a revamped Web site and community tools purpose-built for delegate and vendor interaction.

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Join the big conversation with Finextra@Sibos


This content has been selected, created and edited by the Finextra editorial team based upon its relevance and interest to our community.

Finextra@Sibos has been rebuilt from the ground up to harness the latest multimedia and Web 2.0 technologies for sharing and relaying news, video and community content to the 6000 or so visitors to the annual Swift event.

Community engagement features include a prominent Twitterfall to pick up the latest Sibos buzz, a Flickr-inspired photo gallery for conference-goers to share their snaps with friend and colleagues over the Web, and our popular Finextra@Sibos blogging platform offering insightful opinion, analysis and comment direct from Sibos participants.

Other attractions include an up-to-the-minute guide to activities on the exhibition floor - from drinks receptions, to prize draws and contract signings - supplementing our usual mix of incisive reporting and analysis of the week's events.

And from our 50 square metre studio at Stand number A519 in the Amsterdam RAI, the Finextra TV crew will also be on hand to capture all the colour of Sibos for broadcast over Finextra@Sibos.

Finextra is Swift's exclusive partner for online exhibition news coverage. As in previous years, Finextra@Sibos is integrated into MySibos, Swift's online networking tool, and freely available live on the Web to Finextra's 28,500+ member subscribers and 150,000 regular visitors.

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