Turquoise CIO L'Huillier joins Compagnie Financière Tradition

Former Turquoise chief information officer Yann L'Huillier has taken up the same role at Swiss broker Compagnie Financière Tradition.

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Turquoise CIO L'Huillier joins Compagnie Financière Tradition


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L'Huillier worked at Turquoise from its inception in 2007 but quit earlier this month in the wake of its takeover by the London Stock Exchange.

After acquiring a majority stake in the equity trading platform, the LSE is in the process of merging it with the Baikal dark pool. Recently Baikal's Mark Ryland was named head of technology at the merged entity, leaving L'Huillier's position redundant.

L'Huillier joined Turquoise from the Boston Stock Exchange, where as CIO he led the team that developed and launched the LeveL alternative trading system and designed its original integration with the BeX market.

He also had responsibility for the trading strategy and R&D of the BSX Group, which oversaw the Boston Equities Exchange - an all-electronic equities trading platform the exchange set up with five Wall Street banks.

Previously he worked at the Toronto Stock Exchange, managing the overhaul of the trading technology for the equity market.

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