Visa has set a spring launch date for Rightcliq, an online shopping tool that provides users with a centralised location to store and manage their e-commerce activity in a bid to make it easier and safer.
Rightcliq is a free service that lets shoppers store their card details and shipping address for use when making online purchases, create wishlists and receive offers from merchants.
Users download a plug-in for their browser and can then click on it when visiting shopping sites to add items to a wishlist, which can be organised into clusters of products.
If they decide to make a purchase, a 'fast fill my data' tab automatically inserts billing and shipping details during checkout at the merchant site. Customers can also track information on what they have bought at various sites in one place.
Meanwhile, a 'get advice' section lets users invite friends to help them decide what to buy on their wishlist via e-mail while an 'offers' area collects merchant deals from various retailers.
Visa has also created an online Righcliq community, a forum for users to post question and ideas for the firm and other shoppers.
The service - which sees Visa take on PayPal, Amazon Payments and Google Checkout in the battle for e-commerce dominance - is already available but a full public release will go ahead this spring, according to Visa group executive, international, Elizabeth Buse.