DTCC selects IBM telecomms expense management services

DTCC selects IBM telecomms expense management services

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has signed for expense management services from IBM to help keep on top of its multi-million dollar telecommunications spend.

The DTCC maintains multiple service contracts with telecommunications providers. The firm says its vital role in US and global financial services means it needs to keep telecommunications and data communications services up and running at all times.

By signing for Big Blue's Telecom Expense Management service - which includes consulting, assessments, historical audits and mobile savings analysis - the DTCC hopes to improve its grip on order, inventory, bill payment, cost recovery and vendor management.

This will result in an expected return on investment to the company of more than 20% annually by improving process and business controls, says the vendor.

Michael Obiedzinski, VP, network services, DTCC, says: "IBM's solution provided DTCC with a better grasp of our inventory and telecom spending so that we could identify significant savings opportunities and make more informed decisions about these expenses."

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