SEC launches online investor survey

SEC launches online investor survey

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a Web-based survey to learn more about how investors are using electronic media, including the Internet, in making investment decisions.

The online survey will also explore investor knowledge and experience, investor expectations of brokerage firms, trading frequencies, and how investors analyse risk.

"As technology continues to transform the securities markets, I'm asking investors to share their experience and expectations with us," says SEC chairman Laura Unger. "The survey results will give us valuable insights as we continue to develop programmes and policies to help investors profit from technology while avoiding potential pitfalls."

The survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, will be available on the SEC Web site until July 1, 2001, as well as on the Web sites of more than a dozen government, investor education, and financial services industry organisations.

The SEC has retained InfoQuest, an independent research firm, to conduct the research and to tabulate the responses for SEC analysis.

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