Finextra weekly news review podcast

New trading venue launches, research on communication breakdowns between IT and business people at UK banks, M&A activity and new mobile payments services - it's all in this week's news review.

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Finextra weekly news review podcast


This content has been selected, created and edited by the Finextra editorial team based upon its relevance and interest to our community.

The 20-minute programme, incorporating content running from Wednesday to Wednesday, will be available for download every Thursday afternoon for an initial 8 week trial period to guage interest and feedback from among the Finextra readership.

The programme is designed to give you the key stories and trends of the week in a format you can easily digest while stuck behind the wheel in motorway traffic, delayed in an airport waiting lounge, or crammed into a standing-room-only train carriage.

Click here to download the audio file, play it from within your browser or subscribe to the podcast feed.

We welcome your feedback, and would love to know what you think of the production, whether podcasts suit your information consumption habits, or any other suggestions. Drop us a line in the Finextra Community area.

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