Efta convenes payments council

Efta convenes payments council

The Electronic Funds Transfer Association (Efta) will convene its Electronic Commerce Payments Council on Wednesday, 9 May in Chicago to explore a variety of e-commerce payment models.

Kurt Helwig, Efta executive director, says: "E-commerce activity is exploding within the payments sector...Participants in the business need to understand who the players are, who is offering viable business solutions, and whether these solutions offer solid value propositions for all stakeholders."

A panel of e-merchants and e-merchant service providers will meet to discuss the agenda entitled "E-commerce Payments: What Works, What Doesn't and What's Next."

Moderated by Steve Klebe, vice president of strategic alliances, payment and risk at CyberSource, the panel will include Catherine Genovese, vice president of operations at Playboy.com, Mike Martinez, senior vice president and chief financial officer at Enable Systems, and Rene Pelegero, director of global payments at Amazon.com.

In addition to the merchant-focused panel, guest speakers will present three e-commerce solutions classified as Models I and II, according to a taxonomy developed by the Advanced Payments Group, a subcommittee of Efta's Network Executives' Council:
* John Donovan, vice president of electronic commerce at Maestro International: The Maestro Electronic Commerce Solution;
* Kiran Gandhi, vice president, Mag-Tek, and Roger Applewhite, director, emerging payments practice, Benton International/Perot Systems: The Alliance - An Overview; and
* Paul Tomasofsky, vice president, NYCE Corporation: SafeDebit - The Solution for PIN Debit on the Internet.

Council participation is limited to Efta members, but the Association will welcome industry representatives as guests at the May 9 meeting.

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