Management reshuffle for SIA-SSB

Management reshuffle for SIA-SSB

Italian financial technology group SIA-SSB has appointed two group executives - Gian Bruno Mazzi and Fabrizio Canedoli - as CEOs for its Kedrios and GBC subsidiaries. It has also given responsibility for the capital markets business unit to long-serving executive Armando Bolzoni.

Fabrizio Canedoli, director of group strategy and development at SIA-SSB, has taken on an additional role as chief executive officer of GBC, the Hungarian subsidiary specialising in card processing and ATM/POS terminal management.

SIA-SSB acquired the Hungarian company last year, and in June this year it appointed Lívia Judith Szabo as CEO of the company. A spokesperson told Finextra that Ms Szabo, who has a long track record in the cards and banking industry in Hungary, had left the company for personal reasons.

Gian Bruno Mazzi, managing director of SIA-SSB and former CEO of SSB prior to the merger with SIA, has also taken on the office of CEO at Kedrios, the group company specialising in back office, administrative outsourcing, reporting and software development services for the financial sector.

Armando Bolzoni has been appointed director of the capital markets business unit, replacing Paolo Tadini, who had also been CEO of Kedrios and recently left the group after nine years. Bolzoni also holds the position of director of settlement and payments.

The capital markets business unit at SIA-SSB provides integrated technology in the areas of market connectivity, trading, operational supervision of financial marketplaces and settlement, and works closely with the Kedrios subsidiary.

In a company statement, SIA-SSB says that the new appointments are part of a reorganisation phase dealing with roles and responsibilities within the group structure.

The group, which counts Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit Group among its major shareholders, is currently exploring the option of a sale to a third-party. Atos Origin is on the short list of potential acquirers, but there has also reportedly been private equity interest in the business.

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