UK households ready for online bill pay says Clear

UK households ready for online bill pay says Clear

More than half of UK households would rather pay their bills online if this service were to be offered by billers. The vast majority would be even more likely to use the service if all of their bills were available in one place, according to research commissioned by EBPP firm Clear.

The survey of 635 households, carried out by Taylor Nelson Sofres shows that all types of billers, from utilities to in-store credit cards, would see more of their bills paid over the Internet via a consolidated site than visiting each of the billers' own independent sites. Ninety-six per cent of respondents preferred the consolidated model to multiple biller sites.

The Clear service is designed to enable European billers to present bills and statements to their customers in a single secure portal. The research shows that once exposed to the consolidated site, respondents are less interested in using multiple sites.

Kelley Knutson, CEO of Clear says: "The average household receives between 12 and 15 bills each month and people pay them in any number of ways. Through Clear's consolidated site, households will be able to pay all of their bills at one convenient easy to use site. Billers benefit from this by saving money on the bill production process and through improved customer relationship management."

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