Lloyds TSB chooses IdenTrust to secure Bacstel-IP customers

Lloyds TSB chooses IdenTrust to secure Bacstel-IP customers

UK bank Lloyd TSB is to use IdenTrust authentication technology to provide corporate customers with secure access to the Bacstel-IP payments platform.

The bank is joining the Identrust digital trust network and will provide corporate banking customers with digital identities for access to Bacstel-IP systems and for the digital signing of Bacs transactions.

"The IdenTrust network provides a robust identity platform that streamlines business operations by facilitating legally-enforceable communications, increasing the level of trust in electronic transactions and addressing compliance requirements for global commerce," says Joe Norburn, MD, Emea, IdenTrust.

In addition to joining the IdenTrust scheme, Lloyds TSB has selected the vendor to provide a fully managed hosting identity management service.

In February Intesa Sanpaolo said it expected to see a 223% return on investment following implementation of the IdenTrust platform as a global standard for client authentication.

In January, Lloyds TSB's UK high street rival HSBC announced plans to use IdenTrust certificates to enable corporate customers to digitally sign payment files for secure, non-repudiable and legally binding corporate-to-bank and bank-to-corporate communications.

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