Global trading technology spend hit $45.8 billion in 2007

Global trading technology spend hit $45.8 billion in 2007

Global expenditure on trading and related technology and services was an estimated $45.8 billion in 2007, according to research from Kimsey Consulting.

Globally, the largest single country market is the US, accounting for an estimated 35% of total global spend on trading and related technology and services. The second largest market is the UK, accounting for approximately 14% of spend, says Kimsey.

In regional terms, Europe is the largest market, with an estimated $19 billion being spent in 2007. In comparison, Asia/Pacific spent around $7.5 billion.

Expenditure on applications and associated hardware and services, is calculated at an estimated $28.8 billion, almost three times the amount spent on market data information. Expenditure on telecommunications into the dealing room was an estimated $6 billion.

The report forecasts that although growing economic uncertainty is likely to see mature markets remaining comparatively static, continuing development and expansion of financial, commodities and energy trading activity in emerging markets will support continued growth in investment through 2008.

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