SunGard wins SQL query technology patent

SunGard eProcess Intelligence has been granted a patent for the patterning technology that exists within its report management solution, intelliStor.

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SunGard wins SQL query technology patent


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IntelliStor is an enterprise report management solution designed to archive, access and allow analysis of customer and operational reports. SunGard’s recently patented technology automatically converts report data to a database format, enabling standard SQL queries that can be used for report mining.

SunGard claims the technology is "unique" in that it creates a schema or template for each report, and uses that template to quickly pattern and archive future reports of the same type. This eliminates the need to scrape report data each time a report is archived says the vendor.

"This technology distinguishes intelliSTOR from the competition through its ability to provide easy access to report-based data through standard query tools and web-based products. The document is the database," says Garry Johnson, vice president of research and development at SunGard eProcess Intelligence.

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