DWT: Autonomy aims to capitalise on banking wins

DWT: Autonomy aims to capitalise on banking wins

Information management company Autonomy has announced a second major sale of its technology to UK high street bank Lloyds TSB. News of the repeat order comes as the software house confirms its participation for the first time at City technology show DWT.

The new sale to Lloyds TSB comes only a month after the UK bank bought Autonomy's technology to run a 77,000-user enterprise intelligence application. The second order, for an Application Builder toolkit, is for an undisclosed project and raises Autonomy to the status of a 'Class 1' supplier, and prefered technology standard, at the bank.

The latest success follows a string of high profile wins in the banking and finance sector, including orders from Lehman Brothers, DG Bank, Landeszentralbank Bayern (LZB) and the Zurcher Kantonalbank (ZKB). The new clients bring to 13 the total number of financial sector customer wins reported by Autonomy over the past five months; others include ABN Amro, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, HSBC, Lloyd's of London, Royal & SunAlliance, Fireman's Fund, Nomura and Zurich Financial Group.

Autonomy's software helps organisation sort and manage unstructured information resources, and automate previously manual applications.

The company believes it can capture more business from the financial sector as banks and securities houses begin to move large swathes of their business online. Autonomy's appearance at DWT is part of a longer-term campaign to raise its profile as a specialist software supplier to the sector.

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