Reuters releases risk technology package for hedge funds

Reuters releases risk technology package for hedge funds

UK news and financial data company Reuters is launching JRisk On Demand, a tailored hosted risk management package designed specifically for the hedge fund industry.

A growing appetite for risk and increased volume of trades means hedge funds must have access to real-time risk positions rather than rely on end-of-day calculations, says Reuters. The new product delivers real-time risk management tools directly to the individual manager's desktop.

JRisk On Demand can be accessed globally via a Web-browser interface, allowing users to view detailed intra-day risk measures as well as profit and loss and position information.

The product is hosted by Reuters and based on established JRisk technology, which Reuters acquired when it bought out trading and risk software vendor Application Networks last year.

Commenting on the new product, Andrew White, global head of Reuters Trade and Risk Management, says: "As a hosted solution it makes state of the art risk management an easy and immediate reality for hedge funds."

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