CounterpartyLink signs Nomura to legal entity data services

CounterpartyLink signs Nomura to legal entity data services

Nomura International, the European subsidary of Japan's Nomura Securities, has signed a three year contract with London-based CounterpartyLink for the supply of legal entity data.

Nomura will use the vendor's data product to validate and enhance its existing entity reference database.

The bank's entity data files are compared to the corresponding entity records held by CounterpartyLink, and any exceptions are investigated by auditing back to the original source. The validated record is maintained through a daily feed from CounterpartyLink.

Matt Fowkes, head, client data programme, Nomura International, says: "Maintaining accurate client and counterparty data across jurisdictions is an important challenge, and it is essential to our data strategy."

CounterpartyLink was established in 2005 by a group of executives from the financial information industry to help firms comply with regulatory compliance requirements around entity data, including those related to Basel II, Know Your Customer, the Patriot Act and Sarbanes-Oxley.

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